It should always be open to all. Why paper book is sold? After seminar is over it should be on web and also circulated to all members of the Group.
Good work done.
Keep it up.
C A Shah D J
VIJAY KAPUR <vijaykapurca107@
Dear Amresh,It would be a great idea if the presentations made at seminars are put on this site for the benefit of CA fraternity on regular basis.RegardsCA Vijay Kapur----- Original Message ----
From: CA Amresh Vashisht-Moderator <>
To: ICAI_CIRC_MEERUT_CA@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Wednesday, 9 January, 2008 1:22:19 PM
Subject: Re: {Brainstormers -CA} Blowing ,thought proving student Convention By CA Jaideep N, Shah & CA Anuj Goya
Sure. Give me a one day time,ThanksCA AMRESH VASHISHT
Dhruv Arora <dhruvarora@gmail. com> wrote:Dear AmreshjiIt would be of great help, if you can arrange and provide with a soft copy of VAT Presentation taken up by CA Ravi Kumar on 8th of Jan 2008 at Chamber of Commerce, Bombay Bazar, Meerut.RegardsCA Dhruv AroraOn Jan 8, 2008 4:54 PM, CA Amresh Vashisht-Moderator <amresh_vashisht@> wrote:
Mr. Jaideep N. shah have initiated the address briefing the various points which are around the students causes.He expressed his pleasure for the strengh of the students present.He narrated that the world , oyr students are spreading their wings .The Indian CharteredAccountant s are exhibiting their outstanding performance not onlywithin the country, but across the globe.In his vibrant address Mr. Anuj Goyal, Concil Member mentioned about their upcoming roles of CA;s in the blowing economic scene.He said, the profession is growing, the economy is booming and all the Council members are working extremely hard in pursuit of perfection and excellence to bring more laurels and credibility to our profession.He also said that the present situation of the profession is not a one day achievement, tough work have been done at leadership levels.He was loudly appreciated from all the participants.
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