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Gambar atau foto ini adalah gambar helm Ironman dalam versi 3D. Film akan diputar pada pertengahan tahun depan (2008).…


Gambar 1/2 manusia 1/2 kucing ditambah tatoo diseluruh badan menjadikan dia benar-benar 1/2 gila. Gigi manusia ini sudah berbentuk…


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Ironman punya keunikan dalam warna dan tampilan. Beda dengan Robocop jauh lebih canggih dan lebih berfantasy... Saya mau koleksi…


Gambar atau foto ini adalah gambar helm Ironman dalam versi 3D. Film akan diputar pada pertengahan tahun depan (2008).…


Gambar 1/2 manusia 1/2 kucing ditambah tatoo diseluruh badan menjadikan dia benar-benar 1/2 gila. Gigi manusia ini sudah berbentuk…


Coba tebak berapa ukuran babi raksasa ini? berapa kilogram beratnya? Ukuran kepalanya saja mungkin sudah seberat 5 manusia. Babi…


Serangan Jantung dan kebiasaan Minum Air Panas / hangat.... Artikel ini berguna untuk semua. Bukan saja anjuran meminum air…


Gambar cewe tercantik sejagat Asia Raya menurut saya sih.. gila..busett.... Woow... So cute…


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Gambar atau foto ini adalah gambar helm Ironman dalam versi 3D. Film akan diputar pada pertengahan tahun depan (2008).…


Gambar 1/2 manusia 1/2 kucing ditambah tatoo diseluruh badan menjadikan dia benar-benar 1/2 gila. Gigi manusia ini sudah berbentuk…


Coba tebak berapa ukuran babi raksasa ini? berapa kilogram beratnya? Ukuran kepalanya saja mungkin sudah seberat 5 manusia. Babi…

Sabtu, 12 Januari 2008

{Brainstormers -CA} Fwd: [globalIndianCAs] Compulsory scrutiny of returns involving refund of Rs. 5 lakhs or above - proble

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Jan 12, 2008 9:07 PM
Subject: [globalIndianCAs] Compulsory scrutiny of returns involving refund of Rs. 5 lakhs or above - proble

Compulsory scrutiny of returns involving refund of Rs. 5 lakhs or
above - problem in selection

INSTRUCTION NO. 1/2008, DATED 9-1-2008

Kindly refer to above.

2. Your attention is drawn to the guidelines for selection of cases
under scrutiny for the F. Y. 2007-08 under which claim of refund of
Rs. 5 lakhs or above is one of the criteria for compulsory scrutiny.
Such cases were to be selected for scrutiny by CASS in all the
networked stations and manually in non-networked stations.

3. Instances have been brought to the notice of the Board wherein
cases involving refund of Rs. 5 lakhs or above are not being picked
up for scrutiny by the CASS in the networked stations. This happened
in cases where credit for prepaid taxes is not being given at the
time of processing for want of necessary documentary evidence. Such
cases, thereof, do not fall in the category of determined refund of
Rs. 5 lakhs or more and consequently are not picked up by the CASS.
Subsequently, rectification orders are passed manually on submission
of necessary evidence in respect of prepaid taxes and the data is
not captured in the AST. As a result, several such cases involving
refund of Rs. 5 lakhs or above have been left out of the selection

4. I am directed to state that all such refund cases that have been
left out by CASS for the reasons mentioned in para 3 above should be
picked up for scrutiny through manual intervention in the networked

This may be brought to the notice of all concerned for strict

F.No. 225/260/2007-ITA-II

CA Paras Chhajed
Azad Chowk
Ph. (07744) 224246, 403903

"The answer(s)/advice(s) on this Group web-site are the personal opinions of the members who sent those messages. They may/or may not be based on  research(s)/opinion(s) on the fact(s) provided to the Group in the said  query, and any advice tendered here is subject to the accuracy of the  description of facts, proposed transactions, and their purpose and
whether they constitute a complete and accurate disclosure of all
relevant fact(s), and provided the proposed transaction(s) is completed
in the stated manner. The Group Owner/Moderator and/or the group
member(s) do not even imply the accuracy or value of any advice
submitted by its member(s) and are not liable for any damages or costs,
if any, suffered through the acceptance or putting into operation either
the whole or part of any advice so tendered on the group-site. If you
have any question(s), please do not hesitate to seek clarification(s)
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